Friday, May 13, 2016

I finally got Tagged!!

Okay, so I'll admit it...I'm a sucker for "tag" videos or blog posts. I think they're super fun and help to create a sense of community in the blogging/vlogging world.

So thank you to the incredibly nice and real Raychel Rose ( for tagging me!

The Rules:
Answer eleven questions, tag someone, then ask them eleven questions.

Here are the questions that Raychel gave to me!

1. What's your favorite type of cookie?
    That's tough....Usually I'd say Snickerdoodle, but I've been in the mood lately to make Oatmeal cookies. ...might be baking later this weekend... :)

2. What genre of music do you enjoy listening to?
      Honestly? Everything. I have rock, rap, punk, hip-hop, country, classical, Celtic....everything except Jazz. Not a fan of Jazz. Lately I've been really into the older CD's from Building 429, and The Rend Collective.

3. Have you ever swam in the ocean? If so, which ocean?
     Yes! I used to live in WA near Seattle, so I've swam in the Pacific. In 2005 we went to my dad's high school reunion in NJ so I also swam in the Atlantic.

4. Do you like stingrays?
    In zoo's and aquarium's, sure. They're fun to feed and pet.

5. Who do you share your birthday with?
     No idea.... to Google!
     Apparently I share April 25th with: Al Pacino, Renee Zellweger, Matthew West, Jason Lee, and Len Goodman. Who knew?

6. Are you allergic to anything?
    Amoxacillin- some antibiotic that made me *literally* climb the walls as a child.
    Latex- Yes I am one of those weird people.

7. What's something you do, that normally people think you wouldn't do?
     I'm a writer, there's probably a lot that people normally wouldn't think I do. Such as acting out battle scenes, and making faces so I can accurately describe it.
     I also crochet, which has the stigma of being a "granny" craft.

8. Do you have any fears you outgrew?
     Not really, I never had any childhood fears. I still don't like leaving an appendage hanging off the bed at night though.

9. Do you have any scars? If so, how'd you get them?
     Oh boy, too many. But here goes:
     I have a scar on my right ring finger from a pet guinea pig we had when I was a kid.
     There's actually two scars on my face, one is on my chin from a horse accident, and the other is right above my lips in the "cupids bow" from a cocker spaniel who also knocked out my front tooth while leaving his mark. Both are only found when looking reallllly closely.
     Above my right hip I have a small, round scar from my first chicken pox that I scratched before my mom noticed.
     There's a scar on one of knees (can't remember at the moment) from when we were camping and I tripped over a railroad tie and the doctor had to scrape out the wood from inside of my knee.
     Not a scar, but equally interesting: From a horse riding accident, I actually shifted the bones in my left hand, just below the wrist. There's an extra ridge when running your fingers over it that isn't on my right.
     .....yeah...Grace is NOT my middle name....and this doesn't include any of the soft tissue and hair line fractures I've had LOL

10. What's your favorite decade?
      Eh, not much for decades. But I really love any ancient history, or American history prior to the Civil War.

11. Who are 5 celebrities you don't like, but everyone else does?
      Not really big into celebrities in general, kinda boring that way.

12. What's your favorite pizza topping?
        Sausage! Pepperoni! Canadian Bacon! Sensing a theme here? :) A vegetarian I am not.

I really don't know anyone to tag, other than Raychel that tagged me and Stefanie who was also tagged! The link to their blogs:

OH wait! I tag Rebekah Bryan (
and Anna Malnory (

Also anyone else that likes tags! Please let me know in the comments if you decide to do them, I'd love to read your answers!

Here are your questions!

1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
2. Favorite piece of clothing that you couldn't live without. Why?
3. Tea or Coffee? Or neither?
4. What is your favorite 4-legged animal, and why?
5. Do you like chocolate?
6. What is the hardest thing you've ever had to do?
7. What do you do in your free time?
8. Tell me about your favorite book.
9. Are you a morning or night person?
10. Can you juggle?
11. What is your favorite holiday?