Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What's Up Wednesday- Don't lose that Spark!

This is coming a little later today because...pause for effect...I had a job interview! *cue cheering* Fingers crossed, and we'll see what happens!
Back to the blog post!

Since I have been without a main job, I have gotten so much writing and reading work done. I actually am a head of schedule. I had been working on this so much that it has begun to actually feel like work.

Let me clarify. I went to school for writing. I had to write lots of things throughout college and not once did working on my craft feel like work. The spark was gone. Not that my muse was gone, just that the fun was mysteriously missing. I still liked my characters, my story, the world that has been created- but the intensity was not where it used to be. Plugging away I finished the edits, early.

Then a few days later I visited a friend. While chatting and drinking tea, we got on the topic of my writing. As I started talking, I got more and more animated talking about all the different plots, characters, and places. My hands were gesturing, my voice rose, and I realized I was having fun talking about all of this. The spark was back!

Now I'm jazzed to get back to my stories. But how can we as writers feed that spark of creativity? Going to conferences, meeting with a writing group, making friends with writers, talking with a person who encourages your writing, even going for a walk around a museum and doing some quick writing exercises, are all great ways to foster that creative spark.

Until next time- keep writing my friends! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What's Up Wednesday- Writing Partners

Writing can be a very solitary activity. The ideas, worlds, words, and characters are usually the product of one person's imagination. Putting those onto paper (or computer screen) can also be a solitary activity. The only way that this solitary existence is broken is through editors, writing partners, and when readers are able to see your work.

I am all for shutting yourself away to plan, create, and write your story. But there comes a time when either through excitement, or publication, that we have to share what we have created. This can be a hair raising experience for many, including myself, but it is a necessary step. A writer has to become accustomed to the experience of having others read their work, and their opinions on it, whether positive or negative.

This is where writing groups, editors, and writing partners swoop in. I will admit, my prose and grammar need help. No one writes a best seller the first time out of the gate. Many authors do not ever publish their first, or even second, novel simply because they are practice. All athletes, musicians, any life skill really, requires it. Even life itself requires practice- who remembers playing "house" or "school" before growing up? I know I do!

Writers have to hone their craft, and they do so through-what else- writing! Not only through writing, but by reading. Reading is just as important as writing! Through reading, and critiquing other works the observant writer will pick up nuances not only in their own writing, but in anything they are reading. I know I have found myself itching to pick up a red pen when reading a book-either self published, or traditionally published.

Writers need to build a network, or circle, of writing partners. Partners who can not only exclaim, weep, and shake their fists at the right times, but who can write in red pen all across the page. You want someone who will be honest, someone who cares about the quality of the work you present to the world. Someone, or someones, who want you to put out the very best book you can. People who push you to improve.

The problem is that it is hard to find such people. It can be done, and social media is a great place to start, or the NaNoWriMo forums can help as well.

But not only do you need a writing circle, but you also need people who have slightly different strengths than you do. This will help to balance out your own writing, as well as theirs.
When it comes to my works, I have four people whom I trust to really give me good feedback. One is spectacular in line editing and proof reading-and she is a life saver! (You know who you are :) ) Another is someone who knows the genre and questions the basic outline and world that I've created. And the other two? One is the idea bouncer-she has yet to actually read my work- but she is who I turn to when I need to run through ideas. The last? She usually doesn't read my genre, but has read them all, and liked them!

At the first writer's conference I attended, I had two ten page samples from two different novels critiqued. It was an experience that I recommend to everyone! It helped me so much, and has once again given me a prod to improve further. 

I need each and every person. They all challenge me and my writing in different ways. Without them to round me out, my writing would not be the best product I can put out there.

 Have you had experiences-good and bad- with writing groups or partners?

Until next time, keep writing my friends! 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Long Time Coming...

Clearly I have a problem with consistency in my blogs, but last month was Camp I was a bit preoccupied with doing a round of edits on Through the Mountains.
 And then my brother and sister in law had their baby! She came about 2 weeks early in the wee hours of April 26, 2015. Just a mere hour away from sharing a birthday with me! She is so adorable, and one of the happiest babies I have ever seen. Her name is Ava, and I have never seen a baby at under a month old try to hold her head up, push herself up on her arms and knees, or really trying to focus her eyes already. Ava is one determined little girl!

Another reason I have not been posting, and meaning to post this topic for a few weeks, is that on April 28th the company that I worked for had to downsize, and my position was dissolved.
One of my very worst fears came true, and I am currently unemployed. Since then I have had a phone and in person interview with 2 different companies, so there are prospects.
But for some reason I'm not panicking. In fact, I've almost felt at peace with the situation.

In the mean time, I have spent my time working on my own writing, as well editing a writing partner's book. I've also read like 8 books since April 28th, but who's counting? At least I think now I'm under 30 books on my TBR shelves....nope just counted, we are definitely still above 30. #bookwormproblems :)

Honestly with this time I've had on my hands I've set dates for the next two books in my first trilogy to be released, as well as getting more writing and reading work done than I've had time for in the past few months! Yes I want to find a full time job, and if I have to I will go back to working retail. But I have come to enjoy having weekends, and holidays off, especially with my growing family. I can't wait to watch Ava grow up, and hopefully she'll have an interest in books. An aunt can only try! ;)

Until next time, keep writing my friends!