Thursday, June 26, 2014

So a funny story...

Yesterday while I was at lunch I decided to take my notebook and jot down some thoughts that I've been having for the next 3-4 books in my Ryder Chronicles. No big deal, I do it often enough.
Well, yesterday the quality manager happened to be in the lunch room and he saw me furiously scribbling down notes instead of eating.
This is how the conversation went:
"Kinda, just jotting some ideas down for a story before I forget them."
"Seems like a lot of work. What's it for?"
"The next 3 to 4 books in my series. I'm finishing up the third in July and one of my beta readers has a new version of the first book."
"Wow, you seem pretty serious about it."
"Yeah, it's what I love. I just can't seem to find enough hours in the day to do everything I want."
*Somewhat blank stare*
"I mean, I want to read, write, crochet, watch TV/Movies, hang out with friends, and go to the gym." * I gestured around us* "And of course work."
He laughed. "Sounds like you need to find a wealthy husband who will bring home the money."
I laughed, "If you know someone, let me know."
We laughed some more and then he had to get back to work.

And it got me thinking.
At first I laughed off the remark about needing a husband who makes money, then I realized that it wouldn't be so bad, but my final thoughts were and still are:

I like being independent. I like being able to take care of myself and my living expenses. Yes, I do wish that I could fast forward a few years and be happily married or dating someone who loves me and wants to have a future with me. Yes, I would love to be a stay at home mom raising kids and taking care of a house.

But right now, I finally feel like my life is where it's supposed to be. I am happy, for the most part healthy, and I am working on my novels which is something I am passionate about. And I know in my heart, that I will be published. Whether that means taking the traditional route, or self publishing.

So thinking back, I still laugh at the conversation. But I know that my life, right now, is how it's supposed to be. And I am content with that.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

"Lies" by Oliver Dahl-Review

“Lies” is by now 16 year old, self-published author, Oliver Dahl. Twitter brought me into contact with him. In one tweet he was looking for bloggers to review his third novel. I have to say, that I jumped at the chance.

“Lies” is a novella set during the Salem witch trials. The story is told in first person from Ann Putnum Jr’s view. The novella is shorter, which is satisfying with every turn of the page as you near the climax. Dahl has said that the first draft of this book was written during the first half of NaNoWriMo. Which is of course (if you read my blog/follow my Twitter) something that I participate in and support strongly.

Like I stated above, this novella is written in first person. Now, some people really enjoy first person because they feel closer to the character and can really see their views. For me, first person is distracting and slightly insulting to the reader.  As the old writing adage goes, “Show don’t tell.” With first person I find it hard to show the reader and let them come to the conclusions rather than telling them what to think about the story, or what the character is feeling.

Dahl in “Lies” avoids this pitfall of first person because the main character is so young, and her mind is not always made up. She swings wildly in her feelings even in the same sentence at times. Ann Putnum is a very interesting character, and it was fascinating to read from her POV. This take on the Salem witch trials feels fresh and exciting.

The element of the fantastical was interestingly juxtaposed against the everyday life of a young girl in the late 1600’s. Dahl really captured the reader’s imagination and curiosity as well the sense of unease as we were swept in the hysteria and anxiety of the trials.

There were a few sentences that needed to be rearranged for the prose to really flow for the reader. I also found a few typos; but this is my college editing years coming back to me. Dahl has some wonderful descriptions sprinkled throughout. He truly captured the wintery scene in Salem and the agitation of the town. These images stay with the reader and contribute to the atmosphere of the novella.

I greatly enjoyed this novella and its unique perspective of the Salem Witch Trials. “Lies” clearly shows that we as readers can expect great things in the future from Dahl. And I for one, am looking forward to following his progress!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Year so Far...

So this year's theme has been the year of doing scary things.
And so far I have lived up to it. Between the new job and adjusting my schedule to that, as well as writing and trying to keep up(ish) with this blog, my writing has really taken center stage.

The main scary thing I have done so far is to donate the horse that I owned for eight years to a kids' camp four hours away. That was probably the hardest thing I have EVER done, hands down. Worse than going to a new school in the middle of the year, speaking in front of people or breaking off my engagement a few years ago.

But moving on...

I did have to back up my plans for querying agents as I was thrown behind in my editing. However, I am only a few weeks behind in my initial new years resolution of querying by the end of June. I am still on track to finish writing the third book in the series during the Camp Nano session. But I am having a beta reader go through the newest version of the first book before.

Next up: Planning the ending of the third, writing it, and working on the second book as well. And then, once I get back the first from the beta reader it will be time for another edit and polish before querying. Not sure how that process will go....but we will learn as I go, and I will take you guys along with me!

Until next time keep those keys typing and the pens writing!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Shin Splints Taught Me

So....If you have read my blog before you will know that I started running in the past month or so. I have actually made progress in "leaps and bounds"....pun intended ;) I can run further and faster despite having asthma, and I even run outside on the weekends.

The problem?

I must have done too much too soon. As I was finishing my run on Sunday, I started having pains running up the insides of my shins and calf muscles. So off I went home to ice, put on my ace bandages that I used to wear when riding, and get off my feet. They felt better, but the next day it hurt to walk without shoes on. Once again, I iced, put on wraps and elevated my legs. Also a low grade pain reliever.

Ugh, now it's Wednesday and I haven't been back to the gym or running outside. I'm actually frustrated that I can't work out instead of the other way around. It's shocking.

But, what has this taught me? This painful, annoying situation?

To take things slow, and enjoy the ride. It's not just the end destination that is important, but the journey. So from now on I will take my running slower so that I don't get any more posterior shin splints.

I think it's a good lesson for everything, and not just running.

Monday, June 2, 2014

6 months...halfway mark

I can't believe it's June 2nd!!!
I swear it was just January!

Well if it's June then that means that my self-induced dateless year is half over. (Crowd Cheers) Since being 18 this is the LONGEST I've ever gone without dating, having a Boyfriend, or love interest.

I've found it oddly freeing, and refreshing.
It's not that I dislike having a beau,  bae, or whatever kids these days are calling it. No, I actually love being in a relationship.

So why did I commit myself to being single for a year?
Well you could go back and read my blog post about it...or this it in a nutshell:

I was getting my self esteem and self worth from the person or persons I was seeing.
It's not that I've never stood up for myself or that I even dislike myself. But was was happening was I started measuring my worth as a human being by how my significant other saw me. And that's just not healthy. Plus it was such a drain on my emotional energy and physical time. I was just tired of playing the games people now seem so keen on playing.

So what have I done in the past six months?

I've written 1 and a half books, and about to finish the other half in July. I have edited two novels once, and am on my second (actually its like the 6th but whatevs) large pass through on my first novel. Came up with ideas to further the series. Read a half dozen books. I have kept and excelled at my new job.  Loving my once a week Yoga class. And I started running.

I know, I know, me running.
It is a little weird, and I have to take it slow thanks to asthma, but I actually enjoy it. 

So here's to the next 6 months! Bring it on!!