Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What's Up Wednesday- Don't lose that Spark!

This is coming a little later today because...pause for effect...I had a job interview! *cue cheering* Fingers crossed, and we'll see what happens!
Back to the blog post!

Since I have been without a main job, I have gotten so much writing and reading work done. I actually am a head of schedule. I had been working on this so much that it has begun to actually feel like work.

Let me clarify. I went to school for writing. I had to write lots of things throughout college and not once did working on my craft feel like work. The spark was gone. Not that my muse was gone, just that the fun was mysteriously missing. I still liked my characters, my story, the world that has been created- but the intensity was not where it used to be. Plugging away I finished the edits, early.

Then a few days later I visited a friend. While chatting and drinking tea, we got on the topic of my writing. As I started talking, I got more and more animated talking about all the different plots, characters, and places. My hands were gesturing, my voice rose, and I realized I was having fun talking about all of this. The spark was back!

Now I'm jazzed to get back to my stories. But how can we as writers feed that spark of creativity? Going to conferences, meeting with a writing group, making friends with writers, talking with a person who encourages your writing, even going for a walk around a museum and doing some quick writing exercises, are all great ways to foster that creative spark.

Until next time- keep writing my friends! 

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