Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Dangers of Being a Writer

No, this isn't going to be a satirical post about how dangerous paper cuts are. (Though I swear they are one of the worst injuries you can get.) Rather, this is concentrating on the actual dangers of sitting at a computer or desk all day.

Everyone knows, at least hopefully by now, that leading a sedentary lifestyle is not the best for our health. Sitting for longer periods of time, or general inactivity, puts people at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, being a writer means spending time not only at the computer writing, but also reading, researching, and brainstorming. Not all of us can afford, or has an inclination to have a treadmill desk, or even a standing desk. So how are we to combat all of this sitting?

If you're like me and work in an office, get up every hour. Go to the bathroom. Get a drink. Walk to the copier, or to your colleagues office instead of sending that email. Just get up and move as often as you can, but at least once an hour. Be sure to drink enough water throughout the day as well. This will help to stave off the 2pm munchies, and also give a legitimate reason to get up every hour.

Try to carve out time a few times a week to go for a walk, run, or if you're a member at a gym head there. Even if it's just a walk around the block, moving is what our bodies were made to do. It suffers when it sits too long. I have to be more vigilant on myself to make sure I get the exercise I need. Often I practice Yoga with a DVD, or lift free weights at home when the weather isn't as nice out. There is a fantastic nature preserve not far from where I live, but in the winter getting out and about seems more difficult.

If you want to have a long career as a writer it starts with taking care of yourself. Don't smoke, don't drink to excess. Sadly writers are known for their bad habits and vices.
So break the stereotype!
Eat your fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish. If you want the cookie, or a serving of chips, have them. Don't deprive yourself because that leads to binge eating. Instead have a serving, and if you're still hungry, or in a snack-y mood, have an apple or carrot sticks.

Your future works depend on what you do now.
Believe me, your future readers will thank you!

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