Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Day in the Life

It seems that every one wants to know what exactly a "full-time" author does every day...So here is my answer!
Now, as many of you know, I am also a full time stay at home mom to an almost 11 moth old, so what my day looks like will vastly differ from that of a parent whose children are in school, if they work, or if they do not have tiny spawn running around.

So here goes nothing!

We'll just pretend, for the sake of a streamlined blog post, that Liam sleeps when he's supposed to and that it's Monday since it's the start of the week.

5:50 AM- first alarm goes off, I wonder "Why me". Hit the turn off button and roll back over. Continue for the next three alarms adding in thoughts such as "Did I just hear Liam?" "I can totally sleep another twenty min."

6:30 AM- This is a pretty typical wake up time now since I am an exclusive pumper. (That's all I'll say about that, from now on abbreviated to EP for future reference)

7 AM- Get Liam's bottles ready, and get the baby up if he's awake and ready. He tends to talk to himself for the first half hour he's awake and as he gets louder it means he's ready to get up. Give Liam his first bottle, then have him play in his playpen while I clean up the kitchen and eat quickly.

8 AM- Liam gets his breakfast.

8:45 AM- start the process of putting Liam down for his nap. Ideally he will be asleep by 9, or at least I will be out of the room.

9- 10:30/11 AM- This is what I consider my first "break" of the day. Typically in this time I will check social media, my blog, etc. If there's a twitter hashtag or I have a blog post go live this is the time I will share the links and posts. If it's not, I will work on outlining, or some editing.
This is also the time I shower. Yes, I make it a point to shower every day, during the day! I have found as a SAHM it makes a difference in my attitude and I'm much more productive.

10:30/11AM -12:45PM- Liam wakes up between 10:30 and 11, and then it's play time until lunch, and then until afternoon nap.

1- 3 PM- By this point, I've eaten and tidied up the house. I do have to spend about 45 min to an hour doing my EP tasks. But the afternoon nap is the main time I am able to get work done. This includes editing, social media, maybe writing a blog post, outlining a post, or even reading.

3PM-6:30 PM- Family time! My hubby gets home, we eat dinner, Liam gets a bath, and then bed time. Typically he is out by 6:30/7.

7PM- Huzzah! It's the glorious time of day that I can plug in earphones, blast music, and write. I typically do not write in my WIP's during the day as I feel my attention is constantly divided between whatever I am doing ad listening to the baby monitor. But from 7-8:30PM I am able to zone out and get those words down!

To be perfectly honest, there are some days that during Liam's naps, and even in the evening, my brain is so fried that all I want to do is sit and crochet instead. Which happens, more often than I care to admit. Taking care of a tiny hoomin is exhausting, both mentally and physically. I do anticipate that this schedule will change as Liam gets older and the weather gets nicer.
Then we'll be able to actually get out of the house!

Anyone else have a loose daily schedule they follow for writing?

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