Friday, September 20, 2013

About a Horse...

So I have to admit, I haven't been the best horse-y mom...
Between being tired from work, writing/editing my first novel, prepping for the second/third/fourth, and I'm pretty sure I'm fighting a nasty sinus infection...I have been slightly neglecting Electra.
I know I shouldn't, and it's not like shes not being cared for, but I haven't been out to see her like I should and usually do.

Tonight, totally spontaneously, I grabbed flip flops (I know, perfect barn attire) and keys and drove the 4 minutes to the barn. What greeted me was a very muddy pony who was happy to see me.
On another impulse I brushed her off quick, and wrapping her lead into makeshift reins, I climbed on board bareback, no lunging, no bridle and bit, just her, a lead rope and halter and me (barefoot at this point while aboard).

There is something completely soothing about riding at night, all by yourself with nothing between you and your horse. At some point I noticed that I had stopped giving her cues with the lead rope and that she was taking them from my seat only. It was like we melded together and just went cruising around the area.
I don't know what it is, but there is something about that horse that just soothes and calms me to my very core.

Oh and I hadn't ridden bareback in at least 2 years...nor had I worked with her in a week. It was pretty awesome to have her behave perfectly, and it seemed that she enjoyed the little ride too.

*This photo is not from tonight, but was taken out on a ride within the past month*

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