Sunday, December 8, 2013

Finally Finished!

Last night I finished my second novel, which happened to be the second in s series and my NaNo Novel from this year.

So in about 5 weeks I wrote an 86,868 word novel!
I am so excited to be finished with this one, it is by far the best laid out writing project I have ever done, and I am feeling really positive about it. Now my project is to go through and edit/add to the first novel and start sending out query letters to publishers/agents-I haven't decided which course of action I want to take first.

I am already thinking a head to the  Camp NaNo sessions in April/July of 2014 as well as the next NaNoWriMo in November of next year! My goal is to write two novels this next year, hopefully three!

My question, to whomever actually reads my posts is:
What goals do you have for writing in the upcoming year? Or other personal goals?

I know that it's not the new year yet, and most people save their resolutions for December 31/January 1st, but it just feels like the new year already after NaNo.

It's a new writing year!
So what do you have planned?


  1. Yay, congrats! My goals are revising both last year's and this year's NaNo novels, getting some more people's eyes on them, and then doing the query letter thing, too. I'm still not sure if I'm going to do much with this year's NaNo novel, so I'll probably put most of my effort towards last year's until I decide. This year's seems too cliche as a whole, so I feel like I'd want to change some major things if I wanted to go forward with it.

  2. I don't know, from what you told me about this year's NaNo Novel seems pretty interesting! You never mentioned what you wrote about in last years NaNo, so I don't have much to go off of! :) Either way, as long as we keep working on writing then it's a win win in my mind. :D
