Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Writerly New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year!
Hopefully everyone had a great and safe celebration. My first New Years off of work in seven years and I stayed home due to a sinus infection, but it was still enjoyable.

OK, I'm usually not a fan of March I've forgotten all about them or have just blatantly ignored them. This year I am not making many personal resolutions but rather I making several goals for my writing.

Goal 1: I will finish revising my first novel and send it out to be read by a beta reader or two.

Goal 2: I will write the third and fourth books in the series during the two Camp NaNo's or NaNoWriMo.
Goal 3: Write at least two novels this year, possibly three.
Goal 4: Revise my first novel after being beta read.
Goal 5: Send out query letters for first novel.
Goal 6: If no one bites, Self-Publish the darn thing and start revising the second book.

Yes, I have a time line of a few months between querying and self publishing. I really don't see the point in waiting to go the traditional route when, hopefully, by the end of the year I will have written 4 books in the series. Why wait? Why not put a (many times) revised and polished story out there for people to enjoy right away? Why should I wait and sit on 4 books?

So maybe my writing goals are ambitious, but I do know that they are attainable!
What goals are other writers setting for themselves? Any writing resolutions?

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