Wednesday, July 27, 2016

How to help your favorite Indie

Independent authors are a different breed of people. Usually they have a stick-to-itness that others don't, and they develop a thick skin. They are the DIY'ers of the writing industry, and are not afraid to take a new challenge head on. Whether that challenge is writing the actual book, or wading into the murky waters that is social media to promote their books and build their "brand" (whatever that means *snort*).

But no matter how outgoing, or stubborn an "Indie" is, they still need people to help them in both large and small ways. Below are some of the ways that friends and family are able to help their favorite "Indie" out in the process.

1. Be a listening ear/sounding board. Because we, the authors, spend so much time in our own heads, it is helpful to bounce ideas off of someone who doesn't know the whole story. We can gauge your reactions and impressions, and then adjust accordingly. (Or maybe we just need a break from typing our fingers off!)

2. Provide coffee (or their preferred mode of caffeine/inspiration fuel). We do accept gift cards! ;)

3. Ask us how the writing is going. I know, I know, we may groan and moan, but we will love and appreciate that you are taking an interest in not only our interest, but often times writing stories is our passion. Even the most reclusive introvert will talk your ear off about their writing if you take the time to ask.

4. Once the book is out, buy a copy! Better than that, ask us to sign the inside, and then read it and let us know what you thought. Writers love to hear what people reading their books think. We usually start out writing for ourselves, but it is nice to know how others reading it are responding to the characters and plot that we've created.

5. Once you've read said book, leave a review. Leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, your own facebook/social media. THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST HELPFUL THING TO AN INDIE. Shout out that you loved this book to everyone!
Independent authors do not have a media team behind them like the traditionally published books do. They need every bit of help they can get to promote their work.
Even writing a one line review and leaving a star rating helps. This increases visibility, and also encourages potential readers that the story is worthwhile.

6. Never grumble about the price of the book. An Indie author pays for everything upfront out of pocket, usually funded by a day job they would rather not have, just to make ends meet.

Writing a book is hard, editing a book is hard, promoting a book is hard. Be kind, and help out the Indie authors you know. You are helping them live their dream, and isn't that something worthwhile to support?


  1. This reminds me how much I need to buy one of your books. Do you have hard copies for sale to Canadians? ;) I wish I lived in America sometimes. It's not the price of indie books but the price of SHIPPING that kicks my butt...

    Great post :) My sister is totally my sounding board. She's so good at coming up with ideas, too.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment! It wasn't meant as a reminder for you lol Just something that needs to be out there for the readers. I don't think people really understand the power they have!

    My books should be available in paperback worldwide. I will check again though! I love having Amazon Prime, it has free two day shipping! Not sure how that works in Canada though...

    Surprisingly enough I usually use my mom as a sounding board! :)
