Friday, October 25, 2013

Planner? Or Pantser?

So I've been reading a lot of the forums and threads on the official NANOWRIMO website as well as watching countless YouTube videos, and I'm curious just where people stand on the planning or pantsing of a novel? 

Before this project I have not once really planned out a story. Sure I knew who my characters were, I knew where it was taking place, and I might have even had a hint of where the story could head. But that was it. I just dived in and wrote. 

And that's pretty much how this series got started. However, my goal for November is not just to write 50k, it's actually to write 70k or more. Also I realized that if I didn't start planning out this novel (and series) that bad things were gonna happen, like running out of steam. 

So, lord help me, I set out to plan the novel. 

I was hesitant at first. One of my favorite aspects to writing is not having all of the answers laid out for me from the get go. I like to see where my characters will go on their own. But with my lofty goal, I outlined the entire series and novel loosely with enough wiggle room to explore.

I also actually wrote out character sketches, scene cards and even a few pages of backstory, which would even make for another series. A prequel series if you will, that comes before these 4 core books. 

All in all I think I've left enough wiggle room to enjoy where my characters may take me, but with enough direction to accomplish my goal. 

And NANOWRIMO is only a week away!!! 

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