Friday, May 16, 2014

Is it just me..?

So the other day I was driving home from work, like I do 5 days of the week, and something happened that doesn't often.
Some one was following me, and I didn't recognize the car.

Now a normal person would simply continue driving home and not think or notice anything out of the ordinary. Well let me tell you the reason why I start to panic when someone follows the same path I am driving.

Several years ago, I was driving to my then boyfriend's house after college classes. I happened to take the back ways, which means country roads. Almost all of the roads are 45MPH, and so I was turning onto a road, watching traffic, and decided to merge. Clearly the woman driving the car that I went ahead of had been speeding up instead of actually going anywhere near the speed limit. As such, I watched her tap her breaks and continue on a distance behind me.
I continued on my way, and it was only when I turned on to the small side street the house I was going to was on, did I realize that she had been following me.
Now let me quantify something...I had been on backroads...the college I was driving from was a half hour away from the house I was going to...and this lady had followed me for over 20 minutes.

I opened my car door to get out, and lo and behold the woman was already out of her car, and walking towards mine. She proceeded to shout at me claiming I was irresponsible, and that I had forced her to brake so hard that her sleeping baby had slammed its head against the carrier. All the while, she left her car door open, the vehicle running and she had no idea who I was or if I had a weapon with me.

Clearly I was not the irresponsible one. I managed to get her to go away, and only when she was gone did my then boyfriend come out of the house. Instead of being understanding, and considerate of my feelings, he chastised me for showing her where he lived. (Again I don't know why I didn't realize we were not good for each other sooner)

Since that day, if a car following me takes too many of the same turns and I am near my house, suddenly I am interested in not going home. Instead of going right home, I now take random turns until I am sure that the car has turned off.

Suddenly I am in a chase and must escape the (enter in whatever force you want to)!

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