Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Today is D-Day.
Today I say goodbye to my best friend for the past almost 8 years of my life.
Today I will load Electra onto a trailer so that she, and I, can each start the next chapter in our lives.

I have been thinking about not having a horse for many months now. And have finally made the decision to donate her to a camp. She will be taking kids and adults out on the trails all day, which she will absolutely adore and love.

No, there is nothing wrong. Either with me or her, no one is sick, lame or a terrible horse. In fact she is probably the best behaved horse I have ever met. She has had kids falling on her face, sitting under her and poking her belly, pulling her tail and ears, and running behind her.  As well as my shenanigans over the years. Like going over tarps, jumping ditches, trail riding where there was no trail, some horse shows, and of course throwing cats on her back. And she has taken it all in stride.

I took an un-rideable, scared little 4 yr old horse that no one could break, and molded her into the great, loving, and safe horse that she is today. She has also changed and molded me. I hate to think what my life would have been like after my first horse died had I not had her. We have helped and saved each other in so many ways, and I will be eternally grateful to her.

If I could say one thing to her, and have her understand. it would be:

"You have been an incredible partner, and I will always love you. Now, go make some kids very happy, and show them what a great horse you are."

This is the hardest decision I have ever made in my life. But I know that for me and for her, right now, this is the best choice.
So please do not say "I'm sorry" when you see me or when you read this. I am not sorry, and neither should you be.

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