Monday, June 2, 2014

6 months...halfway mark

I can't believe it's June 2nd!!!
I swear it was just January!

Well if it's June then that means that my self-induced dateless year is half over. (Crowd Cheers) Since being 18 this is the LONGEST I've ever gone without dating, having a Boyfriend, or love interest.

I've found it oddly freeing, and refreshing.
It's not that I dislike having a beau,  bae, or whatever kids these days are calling it. No, I actually love being in a relationship.

So why did I commit myself to being single for a year?
Well you could go back and read my blog post about it...or this it in a nutshell:

I was getting my self esteem and self worth from the person or persons I was seeing.
It's not that I've never stood up for myself or that I even dislike myself. But was was happening was I started measuring my worth as a human being by how my significant other saw me. And that's just not healthy. Plus it was such a drain on my emotional energy and physical time. I was just tired of playing the games people now seem so keen on playing.

So what have I done in the past six months?

I've written 1 and a half books, and about to finish the other half in July. I have edited two novels once, and am on my second (actually its like the 6th but whatevs) large pass through on my first novel. Came up with ideas to further the series. Read a half dozen books. I have kept and excelled at my new job.  Loving my once a week Yoga class. And I started running.

I know, I know, me running.
It is a little weird, and I have to take it slow thanks to asthma, but I actually enjoy it. 

So here's to the next 6 months! Bring it on!!

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