Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What Shin Splints Taught Me

So....If you have read my blog before you will know that I started running in the past month or so. I have actually made progress in "leaps and bounds"....pun intended ;) I can run further and faster despite having asthma, and I even run outside on the weekends.

The problem?

I must have done too much too soon. As I was finishing my run on Sunday, I started having pains running up the insides of my shins and calf muscles. So off I went home to ice, put on my ace bandages that I used to wear when riding, and get off my feet. They felt better, but the next day it hurt to walk without shoes on. Once again, I iced, put on wraps and elevated my legs. Also a low grade pain reliever.

Ugh, now it's Wednesday and I haven't been back to the gym or running outside. I'm actually frustrated that I can't work out instead of the other way around. It's shocking.

But, what has this taught me? This painful, annoying situation?

To take things slow, and enjoy the ride. It's not just the end destination that is important, but the journey. So from now on I will take my running slower so that I don't get any more posterior shin splints.

I think it's a good lesson for everything, and not just running.

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