Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's Up Wednesday #3

Well I made it to week 3 of my little experiment. Yay!
I had the sudden realization that next week is Easter. Holy crap, it feels as if New Years was just a week ago. How did Easter sneak up so quickly?

Maybe it's because I was so busy looking forward to my first writers conference this weekend! I've tried to not think about it for one main reason...I submitted two samples of writing for written critique. I almost had a heart attack clicking the button to send the email, but then I thought, "I used to submit this for a grade...why am I worried about about a persons opinion?".
Yes I gave myself a pep talk. I'm actually quite good at it by now in my writing career.
After clicking that button on my mouse, I tried to put that out of my mind and focus on the fact that I get to go listen to a bunch of great lectures on writing, editing, and self publishing, as well as experiencing everything with my great writing group.
But now that it's right around the corner I am actually looking forward to seeing what comments the person critiquing will write. I submitted the first ten pages of the story that I will be publishing August 1st, which I've had several people read, so It'll be interesting to get an outsiders perspective.
The second submission was the first ten pages of the romance that I wrote in November during NaNoWriMo. This I am really excited to get back as NO ONE but me has seen it. I have not allowed anyone to read it, even my the people who usually read my work right after I write it have been kept in the dark. So I literally have no idea what the comments will be.
Maybe I will post an extra post on Saturday reporting some of the feedback...if I don't chicken out ;)

I do want to run a little experiment, if you, dear reader, would play along.
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Until the next time I post, Keep writing!

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