Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Accomplishments and Goals Pt 2

Welcome to Part Two, I hope that you had a lovely almost full week since the last time I posted!
Last week I reviewed the large events that happened in my writing career in 2015, now I'd like to turn my attention forward  to what I am working towards in 2016.

If 2015's theme was doing big and scary things, 2016 is simply part two of that.

To start off the year with a bang, I am releasing not only the second book in my trilogy, but also a novella containing two side stories from the first book! They will be available the first weekend in February. This is only SIX months from when the first book was released! And boy did the time fly by. I am so excited to be able to publish the books closer together. As a reader I hate waiting, in some cases, years for the next in a series. The novella is just a bonus, and will be listed at just above cost for the paperback, and .99 on Kindle.

I will once again be attending the Writers Institute conference in Madison this year. I am sure I will talk more about that process later, as well as the experience. An evening and 3 days of writerly fun awaits in April, and I am so excited for it!

While I was at the South East Wisconsin festival of books, I made a writer friend. She was nice enough to share that the West Allis public library will be hosting an event where writers can come and have a table to sell their books. This time I will have two novels and a novella to sell, plus I know more about setting up a table, and catching the attention of passersby.

I hope to be a part of the same book festival I was this past year in Port Washington. This event is usually held near the end of July, early August. Once again, I feel like I will be better prepared, I can talk more about my novels and attract more positive attention. Thankfully the event is held right around the time I am publishing the final book in my first trilogy! I also plan on putting out another little novella with the third book. Hopefully at that table I will have three novels, and two novellas. Not bad for the span of one year's work!

In November I would also like to return to the South East Wisconsin Festival of Books. Through everything this year, and then everything I hope to attend in 2016 I feel like I will be better prepared for these events.

 I also hope to be invited to speak at a school. I found out that the entire homeroom of a school nearby has been reading my first book, and several of the girls are huge fans. I think it would be such a great opportunity to reach out to younger people, future writers, and showing kids that if they put their mind to it, they can accomplish anything.

Being an introvert these events can be a bit difficult for me. But this year I really want to push out more, and work on selling my books. Often times the day after these events I am physically, emotionally, and mentally worn out, just ask my fiancé! But I know that these events are not only fun and exciting, they are also part of the process of my growth as a writer. I look forward to the challenges this year will bring, and hope that you will come along with me!

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