Sunday, April 3, 2016

April Review- Self-Published Book

Once again, this is a book that I learned about at the Madison Writer's Conference this past year (2015). The author just needed a table to sit at, and he happened to choose the one that Rebekah Bryan and I were at. Of course conversation was struck up, and cards were exchanged.

When I first heard about The Heir of Olympus and the Forest Realm by Zachary Howe, I was a bit skeptical to be honest. I have read the Percy Jackson series (The Lightning Thief) and really enjoyed it. I did not want to read a knockoff, and went in to this book full of doubt.

Within the first few chapters I knew that this book was different. Zach really knows his mythology. As someone who loves mythology, and took several courses on it in college, I can attest that he knows his stuff. Using that rich history, and of course the personality of the gods themselves, Zach has created a wonderful world of adventure and intrigue that is unique.

Yes the big players are there: Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Chiron, Hercules, Hades, (etc) all of the characters one thinks of when the Greek Pantheon is mentioned. However, he has molded them into a new rendition without losing the characteristics we know and love. The action came and went in waves, and boy was that ending a doozy!

There were a few things that didn't thrill me. Zach clearly has a large vocabulary, and he likes to use it. Often it felt that the words were not that of a 16 year old boy, and it pulled me away from the story. At times the conversations between the characters came off as "cutesy" or contrived, but I also haven't been a teenage boy so I can't say for sure if this isn't just how they think and talk. I also spotted a few typos, and sometimes the sentence structure was rough. But that comes with the territory of self publishing. Most of them were easily glossed over and did not interfere with the flow of the story. The action built slowly, I really didn't get super hooked until the a little over halfway through, but near the end I couldn't stop!

I was pleasantly surprised at one of the creatures Gordie (Gordon Leonhart) has to face, I hadn't really seen one in Greek mythology much. He did not take after the Percy Jackson books in the main character's relation to the gods, but rather something unique. Gordie has all the hallmarks of an early hero, (including being impatient-which is an awesome trouble making characteristic) and I can't wait to read more of his adventures.

Now, I am waiting for something spectacular to come from his little she's related to the gods as well. But I think I'll just keep hoping!

Overall I would give this book a strong 4/5 stars.

The links to Zach's webpage, and Good Reads page is below. I can't wait for the next installment, and hope maybe I can be a beta reader! ;)

He is also very active on Twitter, and replies regularly to tweets! Please add him and keep up with all the hilarity that ensues!

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