Saturday, September 15, 2012

Variation 1

Variation 1

It was a cold Monday. And she was running late.
She hated Mondays. After the relaxing tone of the weekend, it was difficult for her to get out of bed early and get ready for classes. She would have rather stayed in her pajamas curled up on the couch with a cup of tea than have to go out in the dreary weather that day. But she forced herself to trudge on.
She squished herself into the tiny bus stop along with the others trying to get out of the rain. Their combined heat was making the Plexiglas windows fog slightly. She had forgotten to bring her Ipod, and now over the faint patter of the drops of rain, she could hear someone else's music blaring.
Looking around she pinpointed the offender as a young man sitting further down on the bench. He was hunched over with his elbows on his knees and his head bowed. Another car came flying down the road and parking, yet another person, run-walking, to the bus stop.
She glanced up as the large bus came around the corner, maybe she hadn’t been running as late as she thought. She was with behind the group as they all shuffled over to the bus. The bus went two feet further than where the group had lined up and she was actually the first person on and out of the rain.

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