Friday, December 11, 2015

Being a Writer means...

Listening to other people's conversations and taking notes!

Carrying around sticky notes, or little notebooks every where! (or using your phone)

Literally jumping over obstacles to jot down an idea before it vanishes into the vapor of life.

Flipping through magazines or Pinterest for inspiration.

Piles of books, everywhere!

You have apps on your phone that may include, but are not limited too: baby names, thesaurus, dictionary, Goodreads, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Seeing an interesting name, and writing it down for a later character/place name.

Twitter becomes an important networking tool to meet fellow writers, not just to "Keep up with the..." well you know who...

You pay attention to cover art on recent best sellers, and the ones that didn't make the list. Even when walking in the grocery store...

Flipping on the light and writing down notes in the middle of the night because something came to you. (Sorry hunny!)

Anything and everything people do and say around you may end up in a novel at some point.

It becomes difficult to read for pleasure as you are now evaluating plot, character development, and grammar choices in everything you read.

You observe how different weather feels, just so you can later describe it in detail later.

Your search history may have the government wondering what you're up to. But hey you're a writer, and just want to get the details correct!

Writing anywhere. Bus, train, car, plane, on lunch, at breakfast, during a TV commercial, before Sunday church service. ANYWHERE.

Getting amped about your characters and plot, and just want to share with someone. Though you often don't get the words right in explaining why you're so excited.

And you wouldn't have your life any other way. :)

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