Friday, December 4, 2015

How NaNoWriMo went this year for me. . .

Happy Post Nano!
Hopefully everyone made their goal for the month, either by hitting that 50k goal, or simply writing everyday. To me everyone who participates in NaNo comes away a winner.

This was my third year participating, and it was one of the most challenging thus far! The first two days I tried to get ahead as much as possible, but it wasn't much of a lead. I'm not sure if it was doubt about my self published book not really selling,  my doubt in my writing abilities, or the story itself. But getting those 1,667 words in every day was like pulling teeth on most days. Some scenes flew by, and were easy to write. I also had fun with some of the characters. But most of the time it was hard to put myself in the midset to write.

I really think it had to do with my own doubts, and not as much to do with the story itself. Honestly I had a bit of a break down and a cry one of the last few days. My fiancé was wonderful and put things into perspective once again with a steady shoulder for tears, and words of encouragement. If not for him I would probably have quit this year.

The end of the story was easily the best part about this book. It's the second in a trilogy, so almost every scene attempts to increase the tension for the third book while building on the themes and events from the first. I really am excited to continue to work on the trilogy...after a break so I can come back with fresh eyes.

During that break, I am going to be working on things for this blog. New series, possible writer interviews, reviews of books, just a lot of ideas that I have for this blog for the new year.
If you have any ideas, or things that you would like to see happen on this blog, please let me know!

How did NaNoWriMo go for you? Did you hit the full 50K? Or did have you a different goal? Please share in the comments below!

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