Sunday, July 13, 2014


So I know last week I mentioned writing something about motivation every Monday. BUT something happened this past Friday that I just needed to share. And it is pretty motivational.

I was at work on Friday, and my dad texted me asking for a ride home from the car rental place. (He travels for work and the car rental place is literally 10 minutes from my work.) I go down and pick him up, and I ask him, like I always do when he travels, if he had read more in my revised first novel.

And before you guys think "he's my dad" and "wouldn't give me an honest opinion", my dad is HARSH but fair when it comes to my work. He goes line by line, reading each line twice. Once for grammatical errors and the second time for content. When I get my manuscripts back they usually have red marks all over the pages. But I digress.

He said yes, that he was pleased with the added and revised scenes so far, and that the overall tone was much improved. I was excited, and we moved on to other topics. I think I got on the topic of anxiety and worrying over something and he casually says, "Don't worry about it Little One."
It was very glib and I only said, "I'm not that little".

He whipped his head around and waited for me to get it.....

I was so stunned! It was a cool, surreal moment to know that someone read the books, remembered a detail, and then used it correctly in a real life situation.

I literally had a fanish girl moment...except I was the one who created the entire books.
If that's not motivation to keep going I don't know what is!

I recommend finding someone in your life that appreciates your work, who supports you, and who wants you to succeed. And if you manage to find more than one person, like I was lucky to, hoard them! Hoard them like a squirrel stashing nuts for winter!

Because those critics, naysayers, and even your inner editor can be as harsh as a mid-western polar vortex wind. And those people will keep you safe, sane, warm, and motivated to continue your project.

Until next time, keep up that Creative Life!

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