Friday, November 6, 2015

Eureka! ...or not..?

When do story ideas happen? But a more interesting question is, How do they happen?
Is there a flash of recognition? An image burned in your retina so sharp you must write? Or like a photograph, does it have to be developed slowly? Or is it a polaroid, the images coming quickly to the surface?

Oftentimes, the answer is Yes.
No two story ideas come in the exact same way to the writers mind. Even ideas for the same story will be reached differently. Take me as an example. There will be times when I'll get what I refer to as a "flash". It could be a name, a place, a dialogue line, anything really. And it's quick. So I rush to find a pen and paper, or reach for the notepad on my phone. I know this flash will be gone soon, and I need to try to capture it before it's gone.
And then other times, I will sit and let my back brain percolate over an idea for a while. In this  instance, the characters, plot points, and any world building come slowly. Like moss creeping over stones. But they do arrive, maybe with some teasing them out from me.

One of my favorite quotes about writing is this:

The water does not flow if the tap is not turned on.

Writers have to show up, and start working. No matter if you feel inspired or not. So don't get down on yourself if you're stuck, or you think inspiration and ideas happen in a flash. Some do, and some don't.

Sorry this post is shorter...but NANAOWRIMO is upon us!!
Happy writing my friends ;)

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