Wednesday, November 18, 2015

NaNoWriMo Tag!

So maybe I wasn't tagged, but I loved the video that Kristina Horner created on YouTube, and then a favorite blogger of mine, Raychel Rose posted this...So I just had to complete the tag too ;) (Link to Raychel's answers: )

1. How many times have you done NaNoWriMo?
This will be my third NaNo, and I've also completed 4 rounds of Camp.

2. How did you first find out about NaNoWriMo?
I first found out about NaNo my freshman year of college. The college had a meeting about it  as they were running their own region (at the time-I don't know if they still do) so a friend of mine went with me to check it out. It sounded like such a great opportunity, but at the time I was working two jobs, I commuted a half hour to and from classes, I owned a horse, and was giving lessons/training other horses. At that time it wasn't right for me, but I never forgot about it! I competed in my first NaNo the November after graduating. :)

3. What was the name of the first novel you attempted with NaNo?
The title is Across the Sea and Hills, and it will be available on Amazon in February 2016 !!

4. Give us 1 sentence summary of what you're writing this year.
My project for this year  follows some of the descendants from my first trilogy while exploring more of the world, and introducing more characters. Also: more magic, more bad guys, and more dragons!

5. What's the best writing advise you've ever been given?
That as the writer you have to show up. Everyday. It doesn't matter if you feel "inspired" or not. I used to only write when the fancy struck me. And I barely got work done. By adopting the NaNo mentality of writing no matter what I have got more done in the past few years than ever before.
You can edit a bad page, you can't edit a blank page.

6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?
Not yet! I hope never to have to.

7. What's your biggest inspiration when figuring out what to write?
Music, nature, reading other works, talking with fellow writers, reading fellow writers blogs and seeing what other people are working on.

8. Read us the first sentence from one of your novels.
The air was fiercer than she remembered the end of the spring cycles being.

9. Why do you love writing?
I love the creativity that goes into it, and how different that is for each person.
I remember sitting in my capstone English class, it was the end of the semester, and realized that each of the 14 people had written two stories. That was 28 completely different, individual, stories. No two stories were the same. I realized then that was what I loved about writing- the individuality of it.
Other than the fun it is to see your imagination come to life on the page, and then have readers love it as much as you do. That is a feeling like no other!

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