Tuesday, November 12, 2013

NaNoWriMo Day 12

So I have made it to Day 12 of NaNo! *much cheering*
Things are going remarkably well, better than I had thought. I knew going into this that it would be a challenge, and it seems that my subconscious has risen to the occasion! In just 12 days I have written: 37,176 words.
Now that is something I never thought I would be typing.

I have seen many people in my writing group losing their motivation to write, and are falling behind on their word count. But they can get back in the game! Even if you are a day, two days, even a week behind, you CAN catch up. A re-dedication needs to take place.
This novel that you are setting out to write, deserves to be written, it wants to be written.
November is that one time of year that you can set aside that inner nay-sayer and just try something new.
Even if you've already started, maybe you realized that it would be better told in a different POV, just start writing and go back later.

Or maybe a character needs to die for the story to move on. Then kill the character! And if you realize they actually have to be in the story, bring em back! That's why you're the author. This crazy experiment called NaNoWriMo is just that, an experiment.

So play with the scenarios, characters, POV, time shifts, anything you darn well please!
Just have fun, I think too many people get caught up in how they sound, or having a good first draft. Don't fall into this trap. Most great novels were not written in the first draft. The greatness shows up in later drafts and through editing, and THAT is what the rest of the year is for.

This month is for creativity.

So start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.
Your muse, your creativity, what ever you want to call it, it has to find you writing.

So let's put our butts in chairs, fingers to keys (or if you're "old school" fingers to pen and paper) and just WRITE

Happy Writing! 

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