Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Author Event!

I was lucky enough to be a part of the West Allis Library's first Wisconsin Author Festival on Saturday!

It was a lot bigger than they expected with roughly 30 authors attending to sell their books. This time, as it was my third author festival/book selling event, I was much better prepared.
I took candy, stickers, personalized bags, and even a few dragon figurines! 

I of course had to bring Toothless, as he's my favorite, and I added the little Drogon funko pop that usually sits on my desk. They both attracted attention, especially Toothless and the candy dish. I had many conversations with kids over him and the How To Train Your Dragon movies. It was actually fun to hear them talk about why they liked the movies, and what they thought about the characters!

The stickers were also a big hit, and not only with the kids like I thought they would be! Even the adults thought they were cool. And of course, people liked the design of my business cards. I mean who could blame them? There's books on them!

I had some great people stop by, and had some great conversations. I only sold one book, but so many people took stickers and business cards, and I was able to tell them that the books are free with Kindle Unlimited that I'm hoping I see an uptick in downloads.

While there I struck up conversation with the author next to me, Kelly Risser. She was awesome and made the time go by much faster! She's a YA/NA author with an urban fantasy series out that utilizes Celtic folklore. I can't wait to start reading! Please go check her and her books out!

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